2018 Can Am Maverick X3 XRS
2621 miles / 155 hours
- Sdr cage
- ASSAULT quick release steering wheel and mirrors
- Gmm elite bucket seats
-Ssv stereo system
-Race air system (pci)
-33 inch tensors on 15 inch methods (with spare)
- 100 point inspection done thru Malcom smith within the year
- Baja designs amber chase light
- Pci in car, car to car communication.
Contact @coreysanchito or Corey (951) 733-8815.
Located in…
2018 Can Am Maverick X3 XRS
2621 miles / 155 hours
– Sdr cage
– ASSAULT quick release steering wheel and mirrors
– Gmm elite bucket seats
-Ssv stereo system
-Race air system (pci)
-33 inch tensors on 15 inch methods (with spare)
– 100 point inspection done thru Malcom smith within the year
– Baja designs amber chase light
– Pci in car, car to car communication.
Contact @coreysanchito or Corey (951) 733-8815.
Located in Norco, CA.
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